
Friday, April 18, 2014

A New Marketing Feature On Kindle Fire - Billboards

By Adam Musa

If you are a fan of using Kindle devices to read your favorite books, or to watch movies provided by Amazon, you more than likely have a Kindle Fire, one of the most advanced versions of the Kindle today. It has a new feature on these small tablets which is called billboards. In the same way that outdoor billboards will catch your attention as you are driving by, billboards on Kindle devices are designed to have the same effect. Let's look at how beneficial this type of marketing can be, and how your business can benefit from this type of advertising.

Customer Experience With Kindle Billboards: When a person using a Kindle Fire HD, or a regular Kindle Fire, sees a billboard, they will actually see multiple scrollable billboards that are available on their screen. These billboards actually act as an entry point where the customer will have an opportunity to download or purchase what you have to offer.

Billboards On Kindle Fire

Everything single day, Amazon and its Kindle brand continue to grow. This billboard feature allows developers and software manufacturers to continually find a new audience that they otherwise would not have had a chance to. By using the billboard feature, you can get a helping hand in finding people who are able to take advantage of it, by offering them a gentle nudge in the right direction.

How Billboards Work On The Kindle Fire: The first step is creating a promotional image that should be done by a professional. Viewers will be able to use their Kindle to look at multiple scrollable billboards, conveniently located at the top of your screen. The promotional images that you create should have some words describing your services. They should be large, just like on a regular billboard, attracting the attention of the viewer, and also prompting them with a call to action. By using this new and innovative way to attract customers on the Kindle network, you can start selling more of your products and services through those that own Kindle Fires today.

About the Author:


Excelente artículo, tienes mucha razón en lo que dices. Además el posicionamiento web es de suma importancia, sobre todo para todas aquellas empresas que están comenzando en el mundo del comercio.

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