
Monday, October 6, 2014

The Most Common Types Of Enterprise Risk Management Programs

By Jocelyn Davidson

Being in a business is quite hard because there are so many things to watch out and prepare for. Now there are risk managers who are hired for the sole purpose of helping the business prepare for these things that may affect the business. Now their task is to make enterprise risk management programs so that the company can prepare itself for any hurdle in the future.

One of the things that managers in this field would often attend to would be strategic planning. When one says strategic planning, he means dealing with external factors that may affect the business and competitors that might pose as threats to the whole operation. The analysts in this field are to come up with strategies on how to address these kinds of factors so that the impact will not be bad when the actual event may happen.

Now the marketing aspect of the business is something that risk managers would constantly look into. Since this deals with the needs and wants of the target market, the company always has to prepare for changes. They have to be flexible when it comes to aligning the brand of the company to the wants and desires of the customers.

Now policies and compliance is something that all companies would definitely have to address. Now there are going to be times when there would be some instances of fraud or other underground activity in the company. It is for this reason that the business has to lessen this kind of instance and also prepare a plan just in case there would be anything like this that would happen.

Now there also has to be some monitoring when it comes to operations management as well. Basically, operations management is all about creating office systems that will help the business be able to run itself without much monitoring. Of course while working on the system there will be some errors which is why some preparations need to be made in case.

When it comes to the law, one has to always be prepared for any legalities that may affect the business. Managers in this field also have to take care of how the way legalities work in the office. They have to make sure that the office is always prepared by coordinating with the right lawyers.

Of course once programs like these have been made, they would first have to go through an internal audit. This internal audit is made to check the effectiveness of the program. If the higher ups do not think that the program will be effective, then they will be making some recommendations on what can be improved.

So basically, these are some of the functions that would need risk management. Although there are still a lot more functions that would need it, these are by far some of the most common that enterprises would do. This is something that any business would need so that it can thoroughly prepare itself for anything that may or may not happen in the future.

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