
Monday, October 14, 2013

This How To Work From Home Guide Will Help You Make More Money.

By Zachary Hodges

As I said before, learning how to work from home can be a very time consuming and tedious task in the beginning phases. There are 3 start up basics, or principles, as I like to call them, that you should always remember. Adhering to these 3 principles will save you time, energy, and money in the long run.

First of all we do need to tick our simple checklist. If you really do want to know how to work from home online it is essential of course that you have a decent PC with an good speed of internet connection (ideally broadband).

You will also need to be organized, determined and prepared to work hard. The reason I make this last comment is because there are lots of courses and books being pushed online that have peddle a get-quick-rich message. This is unhelpful and is a stumbling block for many. The truth is that you can make a very good living at home using the internet and after all the hard work has been done it does get easier.

Principle 2 - Set a Schedule

Setting a schedule is a very important step in learning how to work from home. Set your work schedule hours, just the same as if you were working for someone else and punching a clock. Since there are no time clocks to punch at home, it can be very easy to go an entire day without having done much of anything. Would a boss in a Fortune 500 company pay you for no productivity? Of course not, and you should not feel any differently. I personally work on my websites from 9am-4pm, and then I take a break from 4pm-9pm to spend time with my family, cook dinner, etc. After everyone is settled for the night, I like to work a few more hours. I stick to that schedule.

Okay so here is how it works in a nutshell. People with a product to sell will pay you for everyone you send to their site who makes a purchase. The whole process is managed via specialist third party websites that manage affiliate programs who supply you with a unique link that identifies you. They also make sure you get paid. Pretty cool right? The great news is that the earning potentials are huge as many commissions are very high.

Principle 3 - Set Boundaries When you work from home, setting boundaries is an absolute necessity. Many experts on this subject agree that you should never eat lunch at your desk. You need to take a break through-out the day. Taking breaks and/or a lunch will actually help you to stay focused and be more productive. If you stay at your desk, you're going to work, not take a break. The moral of the story....walk away from the desk! Get your mind off of work for a little while. Also, have boundaries for your family, too. If your door is closed, that means do not disturb. As I had to tell me kids, the closed door does not mean "do not disturb except when fighting over the t.v. remote. It means "Do Not Disturb" unless the house is on fire!

Remember these 3 principles of learning how to work from home and you will be off to a successful start.

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