
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Business Beware: Don't Overspend On Your Next HP Purchase

By Joesph B. Kappernick

Hewlett Packard is a popular brand choice for many businesses looking to buy new servers, storage systems or computers. And due to an increase in the amount of corporate data and the need for end-user upgrades, HP has seen their enterprise business grow at a rapid rate. Unfortunately, this popularity and demand has led to inconsistent prices and may put many in danger of paying too much for HP purchases.

If you are considering HP for any of your upcoming hardware needs, make sure to ask these five questions to avoid over paying:

1. Is consolidation an option?

Combining all of your IT purchases into one large purchase is the best way to take advantage of higher discounts and increase your leverage for price negotiations. Try not to buy "on-demand" unless completely necessary.

2. Should I wait to buy?

The best time to buy is usually at the end of a quarter or end of the year since this is when HP offers additional discounts. If you need to make a purchase, try to wait until one of these dates to get the most for your money.

3. Is HP maintenance necessary?

The support and maintenance agreements offered by HP are typically going to cost more money and cause more headaches than one provided by a third-pary option. Help stay on budget by considering all of your support choices before committing to HP.

4. Is this purchase for domestic or overseas use?

Unfortunately, HP will want to charge five to 25 percent more for any purchases intended for use outside of the US. Be prepared for this price discrepancy and know how you are going to negotiate.

5. What is fair market value?

Because hardware prices are not standardized, especially for servers and storage, it is common to see price variances and discrepancies in the market. Research the items you wish to purchase and fair prices for each before sitting down to negotiate with HP. You will save a lot of money if you take the time to educate yourself ahead of time.

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