
Saturday, November 9, 2013

Preparing Your Business For The Big Data Boom

By Joseph B. Kappernick

Big Data is growing at an incredible rate and doesn't show any signs of slowing down. IBM has estimated that 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created every single day. Even more astonishing, 90 percent of all data was created within the last two years. Many businesses are still trying to figure out what this means for their IT systems and what they should do to manage it.

The concern and confusion surrounding Big Data can be seen in the results of a recent survey of IT leaders:

27% have only a partial understanding of Big Data and 38% don't understand it at all

59% lack the tools needed to manage data within their current systems, causing them to use separate systems

33% don't have any of the tools required to manage Big Data

49% of organizations are somewhat or very concerned about managing Big Data

Are you in the same situation? The ability to manage Big Data effectively has huge advantages for businesses and can provide a wealth of information to help you operate as efficiently as possible. Don't miss out on these opportunities by being unprepared. If you are in the process of figuring out what Big Data means to your business and how to manage it, make sure you have a sound strategy in place and can answer the following:

1. What kinds of tools will I need to manage data?

2. Can I save money by eliminating unnecessary tools?

3. How will I use these tools effectively?

4. What are the costs associated with Big Data management tools and how can I avoid overpaying?

5. Which vendors do we trust to help us with Big Data purchases and support?

Big Data isn't going anywhere; so the sooner you understand it and how to manage it, the better.

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