
Thursday, July 3, 2014

Prevent Robberies With Business Camera Systems

By Mark Mahaffey

When it comes to preventing robbery in your business, you have a lot of options. And because you own your own business, one of the wisest moves you can make is to ensure that you are well versed in what those options are, so that you can protect your business from theft.

First, consider placing security signs at every door and window of your building. These signs will alert robbers that you have a security system installed in your business. Since many criminals do not want to take the chance of being detected by a security system, they may pass your business by!

Interior lighting is also important. Usually when we think of security lighting, we think of putting it outdoors. But you also need a lot of light inside as well. The reason is that if a burglary happens at night, you want the inside of your business to be bright enough for people outside to see the robber in your store.

Another effective way to catch robbers who are trying to steal from you is by using silent alarms. This type of alarm is hidden and the thief does not realize he has set it off. But the alert is sent to your monitoring company, who can then send the police to your business.

Business camera systems are another crucial component of preventing robbery. If you have not installed such a system in your business, it is worth the time and money you will spend doing it. Cameras not only record the activity of robbers, but if the robbers see the cameras, they may be more likely to resist trying to steal from you, because they know they are being watched.

Finally, use pressure mats around cash registers. If someone tries to rob you, he is probably going to head straight for the cash register first, because this is where he thinks the money will be. By putting pressure sensors around the cash registers, you will know if someone approaches that area.

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